FY23 Annual Evaluation Form
This form is to collect responses for In-kind contributors for the evaluation of work carried out in FY23 (Oct 2022 - Sep 2023). Contributions that are to be evaluated in FY23 have been indicated to the Program Managers.
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Email *
Contribution ID *
The contribution ID is a unique identifier for your contribution of the form XXX-YYY-SN where N is the number for each contribution in a program as given in your proposal. The correct ID must be filled in here. If you are unsure of your contribution ID, please ask your program manager who has all the ID numbers in the program or email jikh@lsst.org

Submitted by name
Please add the name (Last Name, First Name)  of the main person who wrote and submitted this form. Other contributors can be added in the next question.
Names of all others contributing to this report
Please list those who helped write this report. This may not be all of those contributing effort to the resource planning or work itself but those involved in the report writing.  You will be asked about contributors later in the form.
Summary of work undertaken, objectives and milestones achieved *
Please provide an overview of the progress of the contribution since starting the work, usually starting with the work plan. 

Please note that all contributions that have started should have only done so after submitting a work plan. If  no work plan has yet been submitted, please ensure this is submitted by the same deadline that the AE is submitted. The Work Plan should be submitted through https://ls.st/ikc-wp. The IPCs (in consultation with the recipients) will consider whether the work undertaken before the work plan submission is eligible for data rights.

For active contributions: please compare the work done against the work plan objectives and updates, list any successes including completed work and/or milestones achieved over the last year. Please also list any issues or incomplete work including those to be carried over to the next year. For example, "Activity X, Y, Z, all successfully completed. Deliverable A, B & C could not be completed because of ....  but our plan is to ....".  
  • Summarise the key milestones achieved over the past year, with reference to the work plan and its quarterly updates

  • Highlight any issues arising

  • Note any changes of direction

  • How the work is planned to proceed over the next year

Contributions without quarterly updates: For active contributions that have missed a quarterly updates, please state why the quarterly updates were not completed and complete this question by summarising the work carried out as described for active contributions. 

For any contributions that were completed in FY23, please additionally add a summary section at the end and give the date the work was completed, add a summary paragraph of all the work that was carried out, confirm all the goals that were achieved and make a statement on the completion including what fraction of the originally foreseen goals were completed and the resource that was expended to achieve this over the course of the contribution.

Plan of work for the next quarter *
Please itemise the main tasks to be carried out by the contributors in the next quarter. Note any differences from the list of deliverables you outlined in the Work plan Summary. If there are multiple contributors to this contribution, please summarise the plan of work for each contributor below.

Not needed for contributions that were completed in FY23. Please respond to this question with N/A in this case.
Who has been working towards the contribution *
Please list those who have worked towards the contribution.

  • Those contributing effort that counts towards the contributions Rubin data rights value, i.e. those listed in the FTE Profile Sheet for the contribution and confirm the effort level they have been working on the contribution in FY23.

  • Those working on preparing resources for contributions e.g. for Telescope Time, IDACs, datasets etc. whose effort may not be listed in the Profile Sheet

Please note that as described in the manual, those providing supervision for the in-kind contributors should not be included here (supervisory effort is not eligible for data rights). If supervisors wish to give their names here, they should be clearly indicated as supervisors in the list.

How much time/resource has been spent/delivered? *

Please confirm how much resources has been delivered or spent in carrying out the contribution.
  • Confirm the resource (e.g. FTE, Tel nights, dataset delivery, hardware purchased etc.) spent/allocated/delivered
  • Highlight any changes to the accepted contribution
For contributions that completed in FY23, please summarise the total resource spent or carried out towards the contribution. `

Engagement with recipient group(s) *
Please briefly list or summarise interactions with the recipient group(s) of this contribution e.g. attendance of regular meetings, engagement with wider SC or Rubin recipient teams, community coordination groups, technical direction meetings etc. If there are multiple contributors to this contribution, please include interactions for the whole named team here.
Any other comments?
If there are any issues you would like to raise or help requests, please add them here.  These comments will be visible to the IPCs, Recipients and Director of Operations.

Any confidential comments for the IPCs and/or Director of Operations
Date of submission of the Annual Evaluation *
Annual Evaluation Status *
This question reflects the status of the submission of this form i.e., if it is still in the edit mode or ready for submission and review. In the former case, please make sure that you save the "edit this response' link in the confirmation email so you can return to complete your form.  When the form is ready for submission, we will then send this form to your Contribution-IPCs and recipients for comment. Once you select "Ready for review", you also agree not to make further edits to the update. If the review requests further edits, please you may make these changes once these have been relayed to you by the IPC team.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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